Thursday, December 10, 2009

"Speak With Conviction" Taylor Mali (Def Poetry)

From the guy who brought us the story about the impolite dinner guest who asked the teacher, "Be honest, what do you make?" I saw this video embedded on the American Rhetoric homepage, and I had to view it. Thumbs up, Taylor (right?).

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Timeless Message

This was sent to me in an email and I thought it was patriotic in a nice welcoming way (not over-the-top) and is rather timeless.


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Friday, July 17, 2009

A (not quite) Two-Year-Old and Her Puzzle

Below is a video I recorded this morning of my daughter Carmen putting together a very old puzzle. Her mental representation of what the pieces create is solid and she is able to place them where they belong without error - she even makes a joke about one at about 2 minutes: "Does it fit there?" And then she giggles, "No!"
One thing I've learned is to never be too surprised at what Carmen is learning, because she amazes me every time. Here's a link to the video:
As a side, I also missed a video/picture of another great moment from this morning. Carmen was sitting at the piano plunking the keys and singing her ABCs when she paused and turned the page of the music book above her. She looked at the page and turned to me to say in an apprehensive voice with a matching expression, "Oh, that's a toughie." It was a great moment and I am still chuckling at it.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Skype an Author Into Your Library or Classroom - Skype An Author Network

Toward the close of this past school year, I had the pleasure of connecting my classroom with another U.S. History classroom in Liberty, MO, using Skype. The teacher, Eric Langhorst, and I configured two half-hour sessions in which our students could discuss recent topics of study.

The impact of that opportunity was amazing. Word spread instantly though the district about what my students did in class and I still hear from people how "cool" they thought that was.

"Cool", although it certainly was that, does not adequately describe the event in its entirety. The instructional implications were far greater. By helping to smash the barriers that enclose learning within the four walls of the classroom, students are able to see how technology should be used in the school and learning.

This wiki, the "Skype and Author Network", is a fantastic project that deserves attention. By allowing students to connect with an author and discuss their book as they are reading makes a lasting impression and solidifies learning that has taken place and opens unique opportunities for enhancement.

The technology required to facilitate this activity is within reach of nearly every classroom I have seen. All a classroom needs is a computer with high-speed Internet access and a web-cam (these can be purchased for $25). For a more enhanced experience, a LCD projector can be used for a larger display, but is not required.

Our students are surrounded by an increasing ubiquity of technology that is advancing at an increasing rate. Teachers do not need to know how to use it all and apply it seamlessly in their lessons for them to participate in the growing trend, they must simply seek simple applications with lasting effects and demonstrate for their students that technology is not just for entertainment and leisure, it is for learning, too.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Next Year's To-Do List

Recently, a colleague and Twitter-user, @icmcwaffle, Tweeted, "I'm ready for next Wed. when this school year will be complete...time to look at possibilities for next year..." How true!? Naturally (for me anyway), teachers reflect at a school year's close and wonder what improvements can be made to achieve more the following year... Given the parameters in which a teacher is placed and the continuity between past and future school years, this may differ. However, I believe it to be helpful to consider some change that will likely lead to facilitating a more successful school year than the one that is now at its close.

Personally, I see change forced upon me as I move from 8th grade U.S. History to our high school to teach 9th grade U.S. History -- teaching the same students I have just finished with and picking up after the Civil War where I am leaving off this year. There are apprehensions I have for such a move, and while I am not completely excited for it, I cannot help but recognize the amazing opportunities this provides for me and my students.

Given the level of mutual comfort that I will enjoy with my students and the ease of transition that will occur for them and me, I should be able to implement a greater degree of change and strategy for classroom function and technology use. The following is what I'd like to do next year.

Thinking Like a Historian
This framework was adopted and trademarked through a collaborative effort between the Wisconsin Historical Society and the University of Wisconsin - Whitewater under Nikki Mandell and Bobbie Malone. It develops the process of historical inquiry in students and utilizes five categories of historical thought. I was able to construct a "Beta" version of this process mid year with my 8th graders, but it failed to provide the substance I desired. Starting this at the beginning of the school year and creating a procedural knowledge will create the return-on-investment I desire. View the website for more.

"This Day in History" Classroom Homework Calendar
Begun during the course of the past school year, I'd like to emphasize and promote the use of a class calendar to which students create and contribute daily elements from class. On our class wiki in Wikispaces, I created a calendar structure where each day is a link to a new page. Students can post notes, reminders, handouts, etc, for anyone absent. Check it out here; remember - not fully implemented.

Student Pages in Wikispaces
Another thought popped in my head over winter break this school year and I had to get it started. Due to a recent push toward signifying which state grade level content expectations are being me by each assignment, I desired to include the students more. I create a template page with all of the GLCEs in a table with empty cells to the left of the GLCEs. Students can create a page for themselves at the beginning of the year to which they can post the work that demonstrates their understanding of that GLCE by putting a link to it in the empty cell to the left. We did this to a reasonable degree this year, but still many with nothing. Hopefully teaming (below) will help with this. Let me know what you think.

A a teacher who desires to spend more emphasis on media creation, the largest obstacle is what to do with the videos. Fliggo creates a YouTube-esque platform that users/members can post media to and share. That is an ideal situation for embedding these files within our wikipages or elsewhere. See it for yourself.

Having spent so much time with my students will allow me to have an increased command of their personality, character, and preferences; what cliques exist, and who participates in various activities. Given this, I can deliberate over students and successfully generate teams of four into which the students will be responsible for all work, activities, and participation. Teams would be responsible for all work and participation of its members; all absences and attendance would be handled at the team level; competition can be commonplace, emphasizing quality and exhibition of academic performance; failure rate can be non-existent. As a result, I can emphasize the state high school content expectations rather than grades. Have a peek at my "Handbook"; it is a work in progress.

That seems like a good list. For now...

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nearly Two Hours I'll Never Regret

As a teacher of American History, I am also, and always will be, a student of the same. I never tire of acquiring a greater understanding of our collective history. Whether it is reading an historical non-fiction text or articles from journals and periodicals such as Smithsonian, I am at leisure when expanding my conception of various topics in American History. 

Over the past twelve months I have been working with a group of other teachers as benefactors of a Teaching American History grant through the Battle Creek Public Schools Consortium. We have been studying Emancipation as a turning point and the Civil War as the vehicle of emancipation and have become "plugged-in" to various readings and resources, both online and offline, to help develop a greater and deeper comprehension of the period. 

Once such resource led me to the Teaching American History Podcast. Rather than a podcast in the traditional (is it too early to use that term?) sense, it is more a series of lectures by some of the great minds in historical research. The lectures range in lengths and topics, all intended to strengthen teacher understanding and therefore better history education.

The lecture/podcast that serves as the subject of this post is titled, "The Causes of the Civil War" and is given by James McPherson of Princeton University. He is the author of Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era, a pulitzer-prize winning recollection of that crisis. The title of the lecture seems to be rather aggressive considering the scope of what caused the Civil War. 

At well over 1.5 hours, this lecture clearly reinforced content I had previously known, but still was able to lift subtle nuances of my understanding working behind the scenes to generate new comprehension of the turmoil in Antebellum America. From the role of women, to the Constitutional argument of secession, McPherson paints a nearly perfect portrait allowing the listener to relate a greater understanding to his or her students.

This lecture, as mentioned above, is part of a series of podcasted lectures available on the Teaching American History website or through iTunes. Students and teachers alike will find anything they need for some summer refreshers in their content area.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What's Holding You Back

A few weeks ago, while my students were working on a large-scale, collaborative project that involved publishing content to our class wiki. After some time into the project, I noticed that my students productivity tailing off regarding the content that was posted to the wiki pages for their chosen topic (see class wiki for more). I clicked through the their pages on the classroom computer (using a big screen TV as monitor) at the beginning of each class period and asked them, "What is holding you back?"

Although that is a specific story from a closed situation with limited global significance, I recalled that event after reading David Warlick's recent blog post, "The Containerless Learning Environment." I know his piece was about the traditional mindset that learning should take place in a classroom and how current social norms and technology are butting up against that paradigm. However, as I read, I was thinking about constraints somewhat differently.

When I asked my students what was keeping them from achieving at a level which they were capable, we were discussing our collaborative, cooperative environment -- "who is doing what?" and "I don't want to do more than anyone else." However, the question, "What is holding you back? and "What constraints are there that keep you from achieving more?" 

There are always constraints present in education and teachers are constantly fighting to keep learning at the forefront. However, are we really doing all that we can? Take some time and look at your instruction reflectively and ask, "What is holding me back?"

I teach in an amazing building, within a great district. As a small school, we have been able to acquire the best technology and provide great opportunities for learning to take place anywhere our students are. One year after implementing a 7-12 one-to-one laptop program, I feel like our teachers have embraced the new technology remarkably well and have adapted to a culture unique to the learning environment that a one-to-one classroom creates. 

This is not to say we can't expect more. The question "What's holding you back?" is one that I plan to use often as we move to year 2. It doesn't have to offensive, rude, or discourteous. It simply suggests that there is more that can be done in any classroom - with rookie teachers and seasoned vets. Most importantly, it suggests that we need to do this together. 

Almost all educators will recognize and acknowledge that teaching is learning. Ironically, teachers too often opt not to engage in learning to employ and integrate new technologies that have the potential of making instruction easier or more enduring for students. Why this occurs is a varied phenomenon. Some fear lesson failure; some aren't sold on the benefits; others don't take the time to learn; still others don't like stepping out of a comfort zone. 

For a long time school teachers, leaders and administrators all used those to justify their instruction. At what point do these turn from valid reasons to excuses? What was once an acceptable way to ignore the increasing ubiquity of 21st Century technology, is now becoming a negligent disservice to the students around which we are centered. Technology has become the 800-pound gorilla in everyone's classroom. 

As this school year comes to a close and we look toward the next, start asking colleagues that question, and make sure to respond with, "How can I help you with that?"

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